Stanley’s Screen Exposing and Reclaiming Service

In an effort to serve you better, Stanley’s offers Screen Exposing to our Customers. We require your Positive and either your own screen, or a newly purchased Stanley’s Screen. We will coat with Emulsion, Expose and Rinse your screen so it is ready for production.




Edmonton – Screens with Dimensions up to 84″ (7′)  x 120″ (10′)

Vancouver – Screens with Dimensions up to 84″ (7′) x 168″ (14′)

Cambridge – Screens with Dimensions up to 20″ x 24″

Calgary – Screens with Dimensions up to 54″ (4 1/2′)  x 72″ (6′)


Stanley’s also offers Screen Reclaiming, whether your screen has ink, emulsion, or unsightly old stains that just won’t come out, our staff will try everything to get your screen back to you with your mesh looking brand new and ready for the next job. (and if not, you can always have your screen re-meshed!

Sold At:
Stanley’s Cambridge
Stanley’s Edmonton
Stanley’s Vancouver
Stanley’s Calgary