PreView Plus™ Clear Transfer Tape

PreView Plus Clear Graphic Transfer Tape

There are times when the project calls for close registration and paper application tapes just won’t get the job done. A good example is when a shadow or three dimensional look is needed.

Take the complexity out of your complex design transfers with PreView Plus application film. This tape is clear for easy placement of layered or multi-colored graphics, It’s original surface also allows for pen or pencil markings and experiences little to no adhesion growth when in storage. The film lays flat for shipping due to its use of a rigid film stock. Medium-tack and static free, PreView Plus is the go-to application film for precise registration of your multi-part designs.

Available In: 6″, 12″ and 24″ Wide at 300′ (ft.) in Length

Please Contact For Pricing, Purchase, or Information.

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