Stanley’s Clam Shell Style Presses are available in both 15″X15″ and 16″X20″ Models

Stanley’s Clamshell Style Presses have a built-in non-stick heat platen with a full range of heating coils to allow for consistency throughout its surface. It is capable of applying all types of heat transfer materials. The combined digital temperature and timer control gauge is designed to achieve simplicity and accuracy. The temperature and timer have an adjustable range between 0 and 999 farenheit/seconds. The manual lift handle is conveniently operable with the featured spring assist and adjustable pressure knob at the rear of the machine. Our newly featured lifting mechanism requires little effort in opening and closing the machine. This allows for smooth transitioning and accuracy in pressure alignment.

1. Durable metal frame construction built for high performance and long-term industrial use.

2. Highly graded non-stick coated heat platen.

3. Full range rear-adjustable pressure knob.

4. Digital temperature and time control.

5. Can be used with all traditional transfer materials including standard, plastisol, sublimation, inkjet, laser or color copier.

Please Contact For Pricing, Purchase, or Information.

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