A Squeegee is the most important tool screen printers use, it can be the difference between a quality and a botched job. Stanley’s Sign & Screen Supply has several options available in terms of squeegee’s, and both the blades and the handles seperately. Offering custom cut squeegee sizes is just one of the ways that we can help you, either with a more specialized job, or just to re-stock your shop.

Stanley’s Sign & Screen Supply has a variety of Pre-Cut Aluminum handled squeegees, available in several common durometers. A blue anodized aluminum handle prevents the cracking and wearing assosciated with some wooden handles, also allowing you to replace only the squeegee blade should it need changing, and saving you money along the way.

Pre-Cut Squeegees Available:

10″ Aluminum Handle w/70 Duro. Blade

12″ Aluminum Handle w/70 Duro. Blade

14″ Aluminum Handle w/ 70, 80, or Triple(90/75/90) Duro. Blade

Stanley’s Sign & Screen Supply has the following options when regarding Custom Cut Squeegees,

Wooden Handle. A staple for screen printers for many years. A comfortable and light squeegee handle formed to accept the common 3/8″ wide squeegee blade. Sold by the inch.

Aluminum Handle. Durable and strong aluminum handles are a great value option, when taken care of properly, can be an indefinite household tool for you. Replacing only the blade when needed, helps keep costs down. Sold by the inch.

Blades. Stocking the most common blade durometers only seems reasonable, we keep a large volume of stock, guaranteeing squeegee will always be here when you need it, of 70 Duro, 80 Duro, and Triple Duro Blade. Sold by the inch or by 144″ Roll.

Use these options in combination and we will be glad to have your product cut to specs and available to you shortly.

*Please call in larger custom orders in advance



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