Ranar Vista Series Screen Press

Starting Line – Entry Level Screen Printing Presses

RANAR manufactures the VISTA Series Presses for the Entry Level Screen Printer. They are configured as 4, 6 or 8 colors and 1, 4, 6 or 8 stations. The models are the V-4100, V-6100, V-4400, V-6400, V-6600, V-8426, and the V-8826. All of the Vista series have micro-registration, but can be purchased without for the Starting line t-shirt Printer on a budget. There are adjustments for warped or uneven screens, and off contact. As well as our patented adjustable screen lift tension. Plus a roller bearing and key index registration system for perfect multi-color prints every time. These printing presses are made of steel and powder coated for a durable finish and upgradeable.

Rotary Platen Silk Screen Printing And Flash Drying

Advantages of a multi-station rotary Screen Printing Press: Two people can operate this press for higher production; for example one person prints, while one loads and unloads T-Shirts to a textile conveyor dryer. Printing dark shirts can be time consuming. With a RANAR rotary Screen Printing Press, one shirt can be printed and quickly rotated under a flash dryer as the next shirt is being printed while the other is flash cured, there by increasing production times and profits.

Upgradable and Convertible Screen Printing presses

The Vista series presses are designed to grow with your business. A home business starting with a V-4100 4 color 1 station t-shirt printing press, can easily be upgraded or converted to 6 colors and 4 or 6 station rotary printer for professional screen printing shop. We offer many kits and shop packages, to help you start and grow your screen printing business.


  • Micro Registration
  • Screen Angle Pitch & Bank Adjustment
  • Off-Contact
  • Modular Construction
  • Full 3 Year Warranty
  • Station Level Adjust
  • Key/Index Heavy Duty Bearing Registration
  • Center Shaft Bearing Rotation
  • Adjustable Screen Lift Tension


  • Cap Printer Attachment
  • Side Clamps
  • Jacket Hold Down
  • All Platen Sizes, including pocket and sleeve platens
  • Aluminum platens
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